Are You Struggling With Mental & Physical Pain?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has been known to successfully treat these conditions and allow people to feel better about themselves and move on from past hurts.

EMDR is a form of therapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. An EMDR session uses external stimulus such as eye movements to activate the healing capacities of our brain. Using these sensory experiences in conjunction with focusing on a traumatic memory can create changes in the brain that help clients overcome symptoms.

Credit: Ven EMDR


How Does EMDR Work and How Effective Is It?

1. Clients need only to share as much as they choose to.

Clients are not required to ‘relive’ their trauma by recounting past trauma in detail.  For client who have difficulty expressing their feelings verbally, EMDR is an alternative form of treatment.

2. Clients are invited to activate their natural healing processes to bring about wholeness in a person’s inner life. 

No drugs or any forms of medication or physical healing therapies like hypnosis are used. People with certain dissociative disorders and psychosis have progressed at a rate more rapid than that achieved by traditional treatment.  

3. Clients are enabled with skills and strategies to respond to difficult triggering situations and regain control of their emotional life.

This reduces the need for on-going long term treatment which may deter some potential clients.

4. Certain conditions can be treated in just a few sessions with long-lasting effects of EMDR.

As clients learn to function more optimally, the distress of trauma reminders become less potent. Clients who have a history of different traumatic events, childhood neglect or maltreatment will require more sessions.

5. EMDR is a globally recognized therapy.

EMDR has been extensively practiced and researched since it was first developed in 1987 for victims of post-traumatic stress disorder. Singapore as well as various organizations throughout the world including the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), recognizes EMDR as an effective form of treatment for trauma. When a person’s mental health issues has been linked to a distressing life event, EMDR can be used effectively within several sessions.

When you cut your hand, your body works to close the wound. If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound, it festers and causes pain. Once the block is removed, healing resumes.”


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